The right to repair guidelines went into effect on 1 July 2021 & proved significant in how new cars are sold & maintained in South Africa.
What is the right to repair again?
Right to repair promotes fair competition in the automotive repair supply chain. As a result, consumers have the freedom to choose from independent companies that provide them with the combination of service & price that best meets their needs.
Under these regulations, vehicle manufacturers must make all software, tools, & repair information required to service the vehicle available to independent operators timely & cost-effectively. This benefits consumers & ensures long-term broad-based economic growth for repair shops.
The right to repair’s second goal is to level the playing field between manufacturers, vehicle body component suppliers, & workshops, including manufacturer-approved workshops.
The ability to choose
Consumers can freely select the service provider who will service or repair their vehicles. If you service or repair with an independent service provider, your warranty will not be voided, & you will no longer be forced to purchase service or maintenance plans. You have the right to make your own decision. Simply put, you can choose where & who will service your vehicle. You are no longer required to service or repair your car at an authorised dealership. Instead, you have the option of selecting an ISP.
Furthermore, the approved dealer or independent service provider of your choice can install either original or non-original vehicle body components even during the warranty period. Since your options are now much broader, you can truly shop around for an independent service provider that meets your needs. In addition, repairs & services can now be performed by experts outside of the dealer network.
The right to repair regulations have levelled the playing field in the automotive industry. As a result, parts & labour rates will now be far more competitive than in the past.
Important considerations
There are a few questions you should keep in mind relating to the right to repair.
When is it legal for a manufacturer to refuse a warranty?
The warranty may be revoked if a manufacturer determines that a warranty-related failure results from poor-quality vehicle body components, incorrect service procedures, or poor workmanship. The independent service provider &/or the vehicle body components supplier/importer will bear liability in such an instance.
Do independent service providers need to use specific parts when servicing vehicles under warranty?
No, but if a manufacturer determines that a warranty-related failure results from poor-quality vehicle body components, they have the right to refuse the warranty. As a result, independent service providers must obtain vehicle body components from reputable suppliers like AHK Motor Spares and use only recognised, high-quality parts when servicing a vehicle.
What are other significant changes proposed by these new guidelines?
When purchasing a new vehicle, the consumer now has the option of including a service plan or not. You can now buy a new car without a service or maintenance plan or choose a plan from a third-party provider. This means that dealers must now separate the price of the vehicle from that of the service/maintenance plans, making the market more competitive.
Why choose AHK Motor Spares?
AHK Motor Spares stocks and supplies an extensive range of vehicle body components and parts for more than 40 different makes of cars, bakkies, trucks, and SUVs. These products range from base coat paints, beading, and spray fillers to fenders and fender liners, fuel flaps, grills, headlamps, windscreens, window mechanisms, etc.
Our vehicle body components are of the highest quality, ensuring that our clients can find dependable replacement body parts at reasonable prices. We support the right to repair as aftermarket vehicle body components and parts suppliers, allowing our customers to get exceptional value for money.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality vehicle body components to solve our clients’ challenges. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right vehicle body components when you need them easy. Contact us today for everything you need to facilitate the right to repair.