Getting Your Hands Dirty with a Car Service
Keeping your car in running order for longer periods of time means giving it the attention it needs whenever the time for service comes around, and doing it without delay. The upkeep of your car is an essential part of ensuring its safety and roadworthiness, but will also help you save a fortune in the long run on expensive replacements and repairs.
For most people, the best way to do this is to book your vehicle in with an experienced mechanic when the time arrives. But for many others, the idea of taking a stab at a DIY approach is also an appealing one. All you really need is time, a little practice and a car service kit that provides everything you need to conduct a general service yourself.
Make no mistake, however, servicing your car yourself is no joke, especially if your knowledge of mechanics is limited. But that doesn’t stop hobbyists, enthusiasts and car lovers all over the world from getting their own hands dirty when doing a service.
In this article, we will explore your two options of either having a mechanic look at it or using vehicle service kits to do it yourself.
We will do this by exploring why regular car services are so important, will compare the benefits of going DIY and taking your car to the shop, and will also give you a rundown of some of the most important car service components that you will need to familiarise yourself when trying to go DIY.
So, let’s get started by discussing the importance of regular, timely services.
Why are Regular Services Essential?
Every vehicle owner keeps a passive eye on their odometer, counting down the kilometers until their next service. We take it for granted that for the old girl to keep running, she needs to be looked after, and the more care, effort and love you put into it, the longer your car will serve your needs.
There are a number of essential reasons why you simply cannot ignore the need for regular services. Remember that you should look at doing it either every year or every 10 000 km, whichever comes first.
The reasons for this are relatively simple. Servicing will ensure that you and your passengers can use the car safely, that you can keep its running costs to a minimum, can keep its performance up to scratch, extend its lifespan and stay compliant with expectations with regards to roadworthiness.
Let’s take a detailed look at each of these points:
Ensuring Motorist Safety
The first and most important function of ensuring the ideal condition of your car, it to make sure that it is safe to use, not just for you as the driver, but for your passengers as well.
Many of the components that are inspected and replaced are related directly to motorist safety, such as the brakes, pads and handbrake. The tyres and suspension.
By regularly servicing your car and replacing these components, you will be in better control of your vehicle at all times, which makes for a safer and much more comfortable ride.
Reducing Vehicle Running Costs
As the components in your vehicle become worn and weathered, they begin to lose efficiency in terms of their performance.
If left unchecked for too long, this will eventually drastically increase the running costs of the vehicle.
It will start giving you less mileage from your petrol, which will see you filling up more frequently. You will likely have to top up on oil more frequently too.
Parts may also start to fail unexpectedly, which will have you in a constant state of catchup when replacing them; and as more and more components begin to fail as a result, you will be paying more and more for replacements.
Of course, this is all easily avoided by simply ensuring that you service your car properly, on time, every time you need to.
Assisting with Performance
As you use your car you will begin to notice a gradual drop in performance.
This is all but unavoidable since components in your vehicle will begin to wear down as they are used. Some are pretty much guaranteed to become less effective as time goes on, such as the oil filter, fuel filter and air filter, which need to be seen to each and every time you take your car for a service (or opt to do it yourself).
This highlights the importance of regular services, purely from a performance perspective.
If you want to keep her running just like she did the day you drove her out of the dealership, then you cannot afford to delay services.
Extending its Lifespan
When a car is properly looked after, it can retain its condition for pretty much an indeterminable amount of time. That’s why you still see a few pristine City Golfs and old Mercedes 280SL Pagodas driving around.
Of course, there is always the excuse of ‘they don’t make them like they used to’, and that’s true, but they, in fact, tend to make them even better.
By regularly servicing your car each time the need comes around, and by doing it without delay, you could still be getting the most out of it 30 years from now.
Compliance with Roadworthiness Regulations
The next important reason for ensuring that you stay on top of services is to ensure that your car is in line with roadworthiness expectations that have been set by the South African government.
There is an obligation placed on each and every motorist on the road to ensure that their car does not pose a risk of danger to any other motorists or pedestrians on the road.
This means that your car needs to consistently meet certain standards of quality and reliability.
But every single component in your vehicle will eventually wear down, which means that constant attention needs to be paid to the condition and roadworthiness of the car.
This also creates a very important reason why motorists simply cannot afford to miss a service when it is needed.
DIY or at the Shop?
Now for the important question for those who want to take a crack at getting their hands dirty and attempting to service their car themselves. It certainly isn’t the most common approach to upkeep, but it is one that many car enthusiasts find quite enticing.
So, armed with a vehicle service kit that contains everything you need to complete the service yourself, no small amount of patience, and hopefully an understanding of what goes on under the hood, you might think yourself ready to do it.
But before you get started, let’s compare the benefits of DIY car services to booking it in with an experienced mechanic:
The Benefits of DIY
Let’s start by looking at the benefits of going DIY. Granted, this approach is not for everyone. But for those with the aptitude, interest and patience to do it themselves, the experience can be quite rewarding, and can also build a better relationship between you and your vehicle.
The benefits of DIY include a more affordable approach when done correctly, improved convenience thanks to not having to travel or leave your car with a mechanic, finding enjoyment out of making it a hobby, being able to give your car personal attention, and getting to know it a little bit better.
A More Affordable Approach
If you take the time and care to conduct the service with as few errors as possible, and by doing ample research on how to treat your car in particular, you may find that the cost of doing it yourself is much cheaper than having a professional service it for you.
When going the DIY route, you will only need to spend money on a car service kit and won’t be paying for actual labour.
A cautionary note, however. If care isn’t taken, mistakes might lead to damages or a need to buy even more parts or components, which can actually work out more expensive.
So before starting your DIY maintenance project, be sure that you have done your homework so that there is less of a chance of mistakes.
Greater Convenience
While servicing your car yourself might not be easier, it can be seen as a more convenient approach since you don’t have to take your car to a mechanic, leave it there for the day.
For many motorists, this is a bugbear when it comes time for a service to be conducted. Nobody likes being without their car, it makes us feel a little vulnerable.
Then there is the hassle of finding a lift to and from the mechanics when dropping the car off, which doesn’t only put the motorist out, but also whoever is giving them the lift.
By doing it yourself, there is no need to make alternative travel arrangements, you will have your car with you when working on it.
Be prepared, however, to possibly go for an extended time without a car, especially if you are no savant when it comes to mechanics; whereas getting a mechanic to service it will likely take no longer than a day.
An Engaging Hobby
There is something to be said about the joy that motor enthusiasts get when working on their own cars. Even the simplest of tasks being conducted under the hood can be quite rewarding to an enthusiast, and one of the best ways to experience this for yourself is to attempt to service your car yourself.
Give Your Car Personal Attention
Nobody loves your car as you do. You doled out your hard-earned cash for it, you’ve gotten many happy miles out of it, and you are personally invested in it.
So why not give it the personal attention it deserves by opting to service it yourself?
Getting to Know Your Car
The next major benefit to doing it yourself is being able to become more acquainted with your vehicle. Sure, you might know how to drive it, you might be the only person on the planet who knows the trick to get it started, but do you know how it works? Do you know it’s ins-and-outs?
Well, the best way to learn is to try and service it yourself.
Essential Service Components
With this in mind, it becomes easier to decide whether or not you would be better off taking your car to a mechanic or servicing yourself.
If you opt for the DIY route, it is recommended that you get a vehicle service kit that contains everything you need.
Here are some of the most crucial components you will be working with:
Oil Filters
Oil filters are essential for removing contaminants from oil in the engine, transmission and hydraulic machinery in your vehicle. They get bogged down from use and need to be replaced during services.
Air Filters
The same can be said for air filters which prevent harmful contaminants from entering your engine through its intake through your air conditioner and heat vents.
Fuel Filters
Fuel filters stop contaminants entering your engine through the fuel. They are essential for keeping particles such as rust or dirt out of the engine, which in turn keeps them lasting longer. Another essential one to replace during services.
Oil & Lubricants
Oil and lubricants become dirty over usage and less effective in your car as time passes. Because of this, the oil needs to be drained and replaced at each service interval.
Brakes & Brake Pads
For ensuring the safety and comfort of your vehicle, it is essential to inspect the brakes, drums and brake pads every time you service your vehicle. They may not always need replacing, but their condition should always be closely monitored.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for Details
If you are interested in conducting a DIY car service, be sure to contact our team at AHK Motor Spares to find out more about our offers on vehicle service kits, or visit our website for further details on our offers.
Aftermarket Parts Can Save You Money
The Difference Between OEM AND Aftermarket Parts
You may believe that you can only buy parts for your car from a dealership or car mechanic who will order parts from the car manufacturer.
Where this can be done, there is an alternative in how you can purchase vehicle engine parts, which are not only cheaper but will still hold a good quality for your driving needs.
Getting motor spares is often looked at as something which can damage your car or could at the very least, be something which is of a low quality.
This can ring true if you are not buying your vehicle body components or engine parts from a business which is well respected and trusted.
There are two options for you to choose from when it comes to buying car parts, vehicle body components and accessories.
You can either get original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts, or aftermarket motor spares parts.
There is a difference between the original equipment manufacturer and aftermarket parts, in terms of vehicle engine parts.
Both original equipment manufacturer parts and aftermarket parts have their ups and downs, however, if you are looking for a better deal on aftermarket parts, AHK Motor Spares has got you covered.
What Is OEM?
Original equipment manufacturer parts are created by the company that designed the cars.
Dealerships will supply these motor spares to their service sector, as well as to mechanics or individual clients.
Being that these parts were designed by the company that created the cars, these parts are made specifically for a select car, these are typically used by dealerships who are selling the specific model.
Of course, these parts are made to last a lot longer but the downside is that these vehicle engine parts cost much more than aftermarket parts.
Being so expensive, not only with engine parts but also vehicle body components, if you do not have the necessary funds available, you could struggle to find a business which will cut prices down.
What Is Aftermarket Parts?
If you are looking for better deals on parts which will function the same for your car then aftermarket motor spares parts are a good alternative.
Not only are aftermarket parts lower in price, but they are also convenient when fixing an everyday car, one which does not require specific, unique parts to work.
In terms of the price, they can cost much less than OEM parts while still giving you what you were looking for, vehicle engine parts which will get your car working correctly.
An issue is that aftermarket parts may be of low quality, however, by doing the right research and looking into businesses who supply such parts, you will find the right business for you.
If you are looking for an honest and fair business, which will supply quality parts for your vehicle, then take a look at AHK Motor Spares, as they are a business who understands that low quality will get you nowhere.
The Benefit Of Aftermarket Parts
At the end of the day, the choice is yours and whether you choose OEM or aftermarket parts, you will be left with wondering which choice could’ve been better.
Aftermarket vehicle engine parts and vehicle body components can come in a wide variety in terms of cost, quality and style.
The benefit of these parts is that they are cost-effective and you won’t have to wait weeks or months for them to arrive from a dealership or car manufacturer.
The quicker your car can install these parts, the faster you will be able to get in your car and drive.
Advantages And Disadvantages of Aftermarket Parts
As we have seen above, there are benefits to equipping your car with aftermarket motor spares as opposed to using OEM parts.
Whether it be engine parts or vehicle body components, aftermarket parts have their pros and cons, as with everything in life.
The important thing to do is be informed on what exactly the aftermarket parts can give you, as well as the drawbacks.
AHK Motor Spares may sell aftermarket parts, however, their drive is to offer the best quality possible to all of their clients and consumers.
By taking a look at both the good and the bad you will be able to make a better choice when deciding whether to use original equipment manufacturer parts or aftermarket parts.
The biggest benefit in buying aftermarket motor spares is that the cost is far lower than that of original equipment manufacturer parts.
Aftermarket parts for vehicle engine parts as well as body components will always be cheaper than OEM parts.
The reason for this is that they have been designed to be cheaper, for many types of cars, meaning that they will work for all everyday vehicles.
If you are someone who always looks to find a low-cost alternative then choosing to purchase motor spares from AHK Motor Spares is a sure way to save money will keeping good quality.
When looking to purchase OEM vehicle engine parts you are more likely to find that you can only purchase from a small group of businesses, this, of course, hikes the price up even more than it already is.
Obviously these parts have been made by the manufacturer, however, finding good quality parts at a lower price is much easier as aftermarket parts are easily available.
AHK Motor Spares have ensured that they are able to provide their customers with a variety of parts, all created to allow the cars the opportunity to keep running even if they are getting old.
The thought that aftermarket motor spares parts are all low quality is a myth as there are parts which have been made which are not only of good quality but have been known to have a better standard than OEM parts.
Of course, choosing the right supplier will certify that you are not getting parts which will break or no longer be functional in a few months or a few short years.
The best thing for you to do is purchase vehicle body components and engine parts form a business such as AHK Motor Spares, who is continuously building their positive reputation.
As stated above the quality of the parts can be high, however, if you choose the wrong supplier, the chances are that your vehicle engine parts will be of a low standard, increasing its chance of breaking sooner rather than later.
Do yourself a favour and opt to choose the right supplier, one with experience, transparency and one which cares for the customer and not only about the money.
OEM parts will come with a warranty or guarantee which states that if it were to malfunction or break in a given time frame, you will have the part replaced.
Unfortunately with aftermarket parts, there is no guarantee, meaning that if these parts do break in a time frame, it will be up to you to replace it with another part.
Car Accessories That You Need
Automotive accessories may seem like something which is just a novelty, or something which just fills your car up, however, taking a closer look at accessories will show you why they are needed.
Some automotive accessories are used to ensure that your cars aesthetic is better, on the other side, these accessories are used to keep you and your car protected.
Keeping your car in good condition will not only ensure that you are in a vehicle which is neat, but it also helps when wanting to sell a car, as there is less clean up to do, and less money to spend on revamping.
There are 5 essential automotive accessories which you need in order to keep your car looking and feeling brand new.
The Car Cover
In South Africa, the weather can change from sunny skies to heavy rain in a matter of moments. Your car can be left to the damage of the sun, as well as water damage because of rain.
Dust and dirt is also a huge problem and if you aren’t a car enthusiast, having to clean your car every couple of days can sometimes feel like torture.
The car cover is an amazing automotive accessory as it ensures that your car surface is kept clean, including from the nasty splatters created by birds.
The convenience of covering your car when arriving at work, or when getting home, will keep your car looking like it’s just come off the shelf, something which can improve its selling value in the future.
AHK Motor Spares provide you with top quality automotive accessories, such as car covers, which can improve the lifespan of your body by a good few years.
The Seat Covers And Floor Mats
Seat covers are important in terms of keeping your seats clean, especially if you have children or pets, in most cases both, and also in terms of keeping your seats safe from damage.
Cats, dogs, and kids can all damage seats as they can move around in such a way that the seats can start to wear and tear.
Replacing seats continuously will take a huge amount out of your budget and not having floor mats can also damage your car’s floor.
We walk around every day picking up grass, dirt and dust which can dirty your car floor quicker than you think. In order to ensure that your car floor is not getting dirt spread all over it, a floor mat will act as a barrier.
Both automotive accessories will keep your seats and floor looking and smelling great.
The Air Freshener
A major feature of a car is the smell as you may be in the vehicle for a long period of time. Cars can attract and hold smells for a long time as the space is small compared to buildings or offices.
Where you may have children or pets alongside you on your journey, all sorts of smells can come about. If you are on a holiday trip your goal is to get to the destination as quickly as possible.
Not having such an automotive accessory will mean that the breaks will be far more frequent, making the trip a whole lot longer.
The air freshener makes the car smell much more enjoyable in general, which is something that adds to the overall aesthetic and enjoyment of driving.
The Puncture Repair Device
Having a spare tire is essential, however, there are times when you may have already used your spare tire and haven’t yet gotten another spare.
A puncture repair device and kit will help you in these moments and is part of the important automotive accessories as it can save you time and money in terms of getting you out from a spot.
If you have ever been in a predicament where you are all but stranded, waiting for someone to come along and replace your flat tire, then you will know that having such a kit will save you.
This will also save you money as you will not need to call a car mechanic or your insurance to get someone out to replace your tire.
Automative accessories come in all shapes and sizes, as well as in simple to more complex forms such as the GPS.
Of course, every smartphone has an app which will guide you on your route, however, what happens when your phone is dead or you have run out of data.
Keeping a GPS in your vehicle can save you from getting lost in places. This is also a safety benefit as anything can happen when you get lost in unfamiliar places.
On top of this, having such an automotive accessory at hand can save you money and phone power as you will not need to buy more data when going on a long trip.
Contact AHK Motor Spares For More Information
If you are looking to buy car parts at a lower price, yet still with good quality, then aftermarket parts could be the way to go. AHK Motor Spares is a business which supplies good quality spares, which last longer than other generic parts. Contact AHK Motor Spares for more information.
Essential Components for Exceptional Car Audio
If you’re a music lover, you know that having a high-quality audio system in your car is essential to enjoying your tunes to the fullest. At AHK Motor Spares, we offer a range of products to help you create the perfect car audio system for your needs.
Amplifiers & Wiring Kits
An amplifier is the heart of any car audio system. It amplifies weak audio signals to provide clear and powerful sound. At AHK Motor Spares, we offer a range of amplifiers and wiring kits to help you get the most out of your car audio system.
The Subwoofer
A high-quality subwoofer is a must-have for any car audio system. It provides the bass that is essential for an immersive listening experience. At AHK Motor Spares, we have a range of subwoofers to suit any need.
Coaxial Speakers, Mid-Ranges & Tweeters
To ensure audio quality and clarity at any volume, we recommend fitting a combination of coaxial (6×9) speakers and mid-range speakers. To counterbalance the bass or to create a wider dynamic range and crisper clarity, tweeters and super-tweeters are an essential addition to your system.
Contact AHK Motorspares
If you’re interested in upgrading your car audio system, contact a representative from AHK Motorspares today or visit our website for more information on our products and services.
AHK Motor Spares for quick access when you need parts
AHK Motor Spares: Your One-Stop Shop for Quality Automotive Spares and Accessories
Are you looking for a reliable and convenient source for your DIY automotive projects? Look no further than AHK Motor Spares With almost 30 chain stores across Gauteng, Western Cape, Free State, North West, Mpumalanga, and Pretoria, you can easily find quality spares and accessories close to you.
Wide Variety of Quality Products
At AHK Motor Spares, we pride ourselves on carrying a wide range of products to fit most vehicles. Whether you’re looking for vehicle body components, brake and wheel components, electrical components, or fluids and chemicals, we’ve got you covered. Here are some of the products we offer:
- Vehicle Body Components: base coat paints, beading, body panels, bonnets, bumpers, dashboards, doors, grills, headlamps, mirrors, seats, seat belts, spoilers, and window wiper arms and blades
- Vehicle Brake and Wheel Components: brake drums, brake pads, wheel cylinders, and more
- Car Electrical Components: alternators, batteries, bulbs, distributor caps, fuses, fuel pumps, ignitions, switches, and more
- Vehicle Fluids and Chemicals: engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid, coolant, and more
In addition, we stock hundreds of engine parts, such as cam belts, carburetors, cylinder heads, gaskets, and more. We also carry a wide range of tools, including socket sets, spanners, spray guns, and tow ropes, to help you with your DIY project.
Expert Advice and Knowledgeable Staff
Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help you find the right part for your vehicle. With their expert advice and friendly service, you can rest assured that you’ll get the right product for your needs. We can also locate stock of most electrical components you may require.
Why Choose AHK Motor Spares?
- Quality automotive spares and accessories for over 40 makes and models of vehicles
- Almost 30 chain stores across Gauteng, Western Cape, Free State, North West, Mpumalanga, and Pretoria
- Wide range of products, including body components, brake and wheel components, electrical components, fluids and chemicals, and tools
- Expert advice and knowledgeable staff to help you find the right product for your needs
Visit AHK Motor Spares Today!
Come in and see the variety of quality products we offer at AHK Motor Spares. Whether you’re a DIY mechanic or a professional, we have everything you need to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Contact us today or visit our website for more information.
Does an Air Filter make a Difference?
The Importance of Replacing Your Car’s Air Filter
Your car’s air filter is an essential component of its engine, and replacing it at the recommended interval is crucial to maintaining your vehicle’s performance. Here are the reasons why replacing your car’s air filter is important and the benefits it offers:
Why Replace Your Car’s Air Filter?
Dirty or clogged air filters can negatively impact your car’s engine and its ability to perform. Here are some of the reasons why you should replace your car’s air filter:
Decreased Engine Performance A dirty or clogged air filter will impede airflow to the engine, resulting in decreased performance, less horsepower, and decreased acceleration. The engine will run rich, which means it will use too much gas and not enough air, leading to decreased fuel efficiency and increased emissions.
Increased Wear and Tear When the air filter is not changed regularly, dirt, and debris can get into the engine and cause damage to engine components, which can be costly to repair. A clean air filter will help prevent debris and dirt from reaching the engine and extend the engine’s life.
Benefits of Replacing Your Car’s Air Filter:
Increased Fuel Efficiency Changing the air filter can improve fuel efficiency by allowing more air into the engine, which leads to better fuel combustion. When a car is unable to pull enough air into the combustion chamber, it will consume more fuel, leading to decreased fuel economy.
Less Emissions A clean air filter will ensure the engine is running efficiently, leading to fewer emissions. When the air filter is dirty or clogged, it can impact the spark plugs, leading to rough idle and increased exhaust emissions.
Improved Engine Performance A new air filter will help the engine breathe better, leading to improved acceleration and horsepower. As a result, your car will run smoothly, and the engine will perform better.
When Should You Replace Your Car’s Air Filter?
It is recommended that you replace your car’s air filter every 20,000 to 24,000 kilometers or more frequently if you frequently drive in dusty conditions. Signs that your car’s air filter needs to be replaced include:
- Unusual engine sounds
- Decreased horsepower
- Black smoke coming from the exhaust
- Smell of petrol when starting the car
Replacing Your Car’s Air Filter
Replacing your car’s air filter is quick, easy, and inexpensive, and can be done by almost anyone. AHK Motor Spares, a leading supplier of automotive spares and accessories in Gauteng, offers a wide range of air filters for various makes and models of vehicles.
Contact AHK Motorspares for more information, and visit our website today to find the right air filter for your vehicle. Don’t neglect your car’s air filter – it’s an essential component of your vehicle that ensures optimal performance and longevity.
Tyre Balancing & Wheel Alignment – Why it is so important
Why Tyre Balancing and Wheel Alignment are Crucial for Your Vehicle
Maintaining your vehicle is vital to ensure a smooth and safe drive. Tyre balancing and wheel alignment are two essential services that are regularly offered by mechanics. These services play an important role in maintaining your car and ensuring your tyres last as long as possible. In this article, we will explore the top benefits of tyre balancing and wheel alignment and how they can improve the longevity of your tyres.
Tyre Balancing: The Importance of Having Your Tyres Balanced
Tyre balancing is the process of balancing all four tyres with the wheel weights to ensure a smooth drive. When the tyres are imbalanced, you may experience rattling in your steering wheel, especially when driving at high speeds. Some of the benefits of tyre balancing include:
- Improved vehicle handling and safety
- Reduced tyre wear and tear
- A smoother and more comfortable ride
- Improved fuel efficiency
It is recommended to have your tyres balanced once you purchase new tyres for your vehicle. This will prevent excessive wear and tear on your tyres, ensuring they last as long as possible. If you notice that your tyres are wearing out rapidly or you experience extreme vibrations while driving, you should contact a professional immediately.
Wheel Alignment: The Importance of Proper Wheel Alignment
Wheel alignment is the process of adjusting the angles of the wheels to ensure they are perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. This helps to maximize the longevity of your tyres and prevent them from wearing out quickly. Some of the benefits of wheel alignment include:
- Improved vehicle handling and stability
- Better fuel efficiency
- Reduced tyre wear and tear
- Enhanced safety
You can tell if your wheels are not aligned correctly if your vehicle does not move straight when not being held. If you experience this while driving, it is important to find a professional mechanic that offers wheel alignment services.
AHK Motor Spares: Your Trusted Motor Spares Supplier in Gauteng
If you are experiencing vibrations while driving or your vehicle is not travelling in a straight direction when the steering wheel is being held, contact AHK Motor Spares for professional services. We offer a wide range of automotive spares, accessories, and motor vehicle products, including vehicle body components, vehicle brake and wheel components, electrical components in a car, vehicle fluids and chemicals, and more. Our team of experts is committed to providing high-quality services to ensure your vehicle is running at its best. Contact us today or visit our website for more information.
Tyre balancing and wheel alignment are crucial services that every motorist should have performed on their vehicle regularly. These services will not only improve the longevity of your tyres but also enhance your safety and driving experience. Contact a professional mechanic to have your tyres balanced and wheels aligned today.
The Top Benefits of a Clean For Your Vehicle

Regular cleaning of your vehicle is an essential part of maintaining its appearance, but did you know that it also has a range of other benefits? In this article, we will explore the top benefits of keeping your vehicle clean.
Protection from environmental damage
Dirt, dust, and debris that accumulate on your vehicle’s surface can cause damage over time. These contaminants can scratch your paint and even lead to rust formation. By regularly washing your car, you can remove these harmful particles and protect your vehicle from environmental damage.
Improved visibility
A dirty windshield can significantly reduce your visibility while driving, especially during bright sunlight or low-light conditions. Regular cleaning of your car’s windows and mirrors will ensure that you have a clear view of the road, reducing the risk of accidents.
Increased resale value
A clean and well-maintained vehicle has a higher resale value than one that is dirty and neglected. Regular cleaning can help to maintain your car’s appearance and condition, which can increase its resale value in the long run.
Better fuel efficiency
Believe it or not, a clean vehicle can also improve your car’s fuel efficiency. Dirt and debris on the surface of your car create wind resistance, which can lead to increased fuel consumption. By keeping your car clean, you can reduce drag and improve your vehicle’s aerodynamics, resulting in better fuel efficiency.
Improved safety
Dirty headlights, taillights, and turn signals can reduce your visibility on the road, making it difficult for other drivers to see you. Regular cleaning of these components can ensure that they are clear and free from dirt, debris, and scratches, improving your safety on the road.
Reduced maintenance costs
Keeping your car clean can also help to reduce maintenance costs. Dirt and debris can clog your air filters, reducing your engine’s performance and leading to more frequent maintenance and repairs. By regularly cleaning your vehicle, you can help to reduce the likelihood of costly repairs and extend the life of your car’s components.
Improved mental health
While it may seem like a small benefit, having a clean car can also have a positive impact on your mental health. A clean and well-maintained vehicle can make you feel proud and confident while driving, improving your mood and reducing stress levels.
Keeping your car clean is not just about maintaining its appearance, but also has a range of other benefits that can improve safety, save money, and even boost your mental health. Regular cleaning of your vehicle can protect it from environmental damage, improve visibility, increase resale value, improve fuel efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and improve your overall driving experience. If you need any automotive spares or accessories for your car, be sure to contact the experts at AHK Motor Spares, the leading motor spares supplier in Johannesburg and Gauteng.
Is It Time To Change Your Fuel Filter?
The Importance of Fuel Filters for Your Car: Symptoms of a Bad Filter and Benefits of Replacing It
Your car’s fuel filter is an essential component that is often overlooked. It plays a crucial role in preventing impurities and contaminants from clogging your fuel injectors and causing damage to your engine. In this article, we will discuss the importance of fuel filters, the symptoms of a bad filter, and the benefits of replacing it.
The Importance of Fuel Filters
Your fuel filter is constantly at work whenever your car is on and the fuel pump is active. It ensures that your engine is getting clean fuel that is free of impurities and contaminants. Fuel filters come in various shapes and sizes, and their location can vary from beneath the hood or undercarriage to inside the fuel tank itself.
Symptoms of a Bad Fuel Filter
It is crucial to replace your fuel filter every two years or every 50,000 kilometers driven. Here are some common symptoms that indicate a bad fuel filter:
- Lack of engine power in all gears
- Engine stalling under strain
- Random cylinder misfires
If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to get your fuel filter checked and replaced if necessary.
Benefits of Replacing Your Fuel Filter
Replacing your fuel filter is a simple and cost-effective way to improve your car’s performance. Here are some benefits of a clean fuel filter:
- Decreased engine stalling
- Decreased cylinder misfires
- Improved fuel efficiency
- Improved overall car performance, including speed and power
It is important to note that replacing a fuel filter is much cheaper than replacing fuel injectors.
Contact AHK Motorspares for Fuel Filter Replacement
If you are in need of a new fuel filter or need assistance with replacing your current one, contact the team of motor enthusiasts at AHK Motor Spares. As a leading supplier of motor vehicle products, including vehicle body components, vehicle brake and wheel components, and vehicle accessories and parts, they have the knowledge and expertise to help you with all your automotive needs. Contact them today or visit their website for more information.
Modifications that Separate the Mundane
Car modifications are a way to make your vehicle stand out and enhance its performance. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your car’s aesthetics or functionality, there are a variety of modifications to choose from. Here are some easy car modifications to get you started.
Upgraded Tyres
Tyres are a crucial component of your vehicle and upgrading them is a simple modification that can significantly improve your car’s performance. Good quality tyres offer better traction and stability, resulting in a smoother ride. Upgrading your tyres can also contribute to your vehicle’s appearance and give it a more aggressive look.
Interior LED Lighting Interior
LED lighting is a modification that doesn’t have any impact on your car’s performance, but it can give your vehicle a futuristic feel. The lighting creates an ambiance that you can customize and set to your liking. This modification is easy to install and can be a fun and unique addition to your car.
New Rims and Wheels
Rims and wheels are a popular modification choice for many car enthusiasts. Upgrading your rims and wheels can give your car an entirely new look, and there is a variety of styles and covers to choose from. Additionally, modifying the entire wheel can improve the performance of your tyres and enhance the vehicle’s structure.
Where to Find Automotive Spares and Accessories
AHK Motor Spares is a reliable motor spares supplier in Johannesburg that offers a range of automotive spares and accessories. They specialize in motor vehicle products, including vehicle body components, vehicle brake and wheel components, brakes and wheel components and parts, vehicle accessories and parts, electrical components in a car, and vehicle fluids and chemicals.
Whether you have a specific modification in mind or are looking for general automotive spares and accessories, the team at AHK Motor Spares can help. Contact them or visit their website to learn more about their products and services.
Synergy of Sound
One of the best parts of owning a vehicle is being able to blast your favorite tunes while cruising down the open road. However, most vehicles come with subpar sound systems that do not deliver high-quality audio. That’s where upgrading your car’s sound components comes in. With a little investment, you can transform your driving experience by improving the sound quality in your vehicle.
AHK Motor Spares:
Your One-Stop Shop for Car Sound Components and Automotive Spares in Gauteng AHK Motor Spares is a leading supplier of high-quality motor spares in Johannesburg. They specialize in a wide range of automotive accessories in Gauteng, including car sound components. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your car’s audio system, replace worn-out parts, or install new vehicle body components, brake and wheel components, electrical components, or fluids and chemicals, AHK Motor Spares has got you covered.
Why Upgrade Your Car’s Sound Components?
Upgrading your car’s sound components can significantly enhance your driving experience in several ways. Here are some reasons why you should consider upgrading your car’s sound components:
- Higher quality audio: Upgraded sound components can deliver a richer, more detailed, and immersive audio experience that can make your favorite songs come to life.
- Improved safety: High-quality audio can help you hear traffic sounds and warning signals more clearly, making it easier for you to stay aware of your surroundings while driving.
- Enhanced resale value: Investing in sound components can increase the resale value of your vehicle, especially if you choose high-quality, long-lasting components.
- Personalization: Upgrading your car’s sound components can help you customize your driving experience to your unique preferences and needs.
Key Components for Upgrading Your Car’s Sound System
When it comes to upgrading your car’s sound system, several components play a crucial role in delivering high-quality audio. Here are some of the key components you should consider upgrading:
- Head Units: A head unit is the control center for your car’s audio system. Upgrading your head unit can allow you to play a wider range of audio files, including CDs, MP3s, and Aux inputs.
- Amplifiers: Amplifiers help intensify weak audio signals, producing smoother and louder audio output. Higher amp power can result in less distortion and better sound quality.
- Speakers: Speakers convert electrical outputs produced by amplifiers into mechanical outputs or vibrations that create sound. High-quality speakers can significantly enhance audio quality and crispness.
- Subwoofers: Subwoofers are designed to enhance low-frequency sounds, creating a greater bass experience.
- Electrical system: Upgrading your car’s electrical system can help ensure all components work together seamlessly, enhancing the overall sound quality and functionality of your audio system.
Consult the Pros
Upgrading your car’s sound components can be a challenging task, and it’s crucial to ensure that all components are strategically chosen to work together for optimal performance. It’s always best to seek out professional advice to ensure you’re getting quality motor spares that are compatible with your vehicle. AHK Motor Spares has a team of experienced professionals who can help you select and install the right components for your car’s audio system.
Upgrading your car’s sound system can transform your driving experience, delivering high-quality audio that can make your favorite tunes come to life. AHK Motor Spares is your go-to supplier for automotive spares and accessories in Gauteng. Contact them or visit their website to learn more about their motor vehicle products, including sound components, and take your driving experience to the next level.