Signs your car’s brakes need attention
One of the most important aspects of safe driving is the condition of your car’s brakes. Most braking issues are caused by vehicles standing idle for several months, which causes corrosion to the brake discs. Seized parking brakes are another common problem, particularly in vehicles equipped with rear drum brakes or drum parking brakes. Fortunately, these vehicle brake components are stocked by AHK Motor Spares if you need to replace them.
Maintaining your brakes is critical to driving safely, so it’s essential to recognise the signs that your vehicle may require new brake pads, shoes, drums, or callipers.
Warning lights on the dashboard display
When the brake pads or discs near the end of their service life, sensors on the rear brake callipers illuminate the brake pad warning light. It could also indicate that the brake fluid is low. If your brake light illuminates, always have a professional inspect your brakes and recommend the next steps.
Noise when stopping
Brake noise is common when stopping and can often indicate that your brakes are dirty or that your brake pads are worn down. However, if you hear a loud squeak or scraping sound, it is most likely due to worn brake pads or shoes. If this is the case, you should have it inspected by a mechanic as soon as possible because if these vehicle brake components are worn, it may affect your ability to stop safely.
A soft pedal when braking
This is frequently caused by insufficient braking pressure. As a result, you’ll have to press the brake pedal harder to bring the vehicle to a stop, which will take longer. This indicates a problem with the brake hydraulic system, so have a mechanic look at these vehicle brake components.
The steering wheel shakes
A shaky steering wheel, when braking, is typically indicative of a warped brake disc. Having the brake discs and pads replaced can often resolve the problem, so head to AHK Motor Spares to pick up the necessary vehicle brake components.
The vehicle pulls to one side
Damaged brake linings, fluid contamination, a failing wheel cylinder, a seized brake calliper, or even a failed suspension component can all cause this. A braking system inspection is necessary to identify the problem.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
If you’re having brake problems, AHK Motor Spares offers high-quality vehicle brake components to solve your braking issues. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right vehicle brake components when you need them quickly. So, get in touch with our team today for everything you need.
Vehicle accessories and parts to complete your workshop
To successfully repair cars, you’ll need knowledge, ability, and tools. You can have all the know-how and capability in the world, but you won’t be successful working on cars unless you have the right vehicle accessories and parts.
Even though professional mechanics have massive tool collections with all the bells and whistles, nearly everyone starts with the basics. That is what is on this list. Before you get your hands dirty, ensure you have the necessary vehicle accessories and parts. Clean out the garage, buy a toolbox, and stock it with the items listed below.
Hand Instruments
The first category we’ll look at is hand tools. You’ll need the following vehicle accessories and parts for nearly every job when working on cars.
Breaker bar
If you’re like most people, you occasionally require assistance in breaking loose stubborn nuts and bolts. A breaker bar provides that advantage by offering additional leverage.
Various pliers
You’ll need several different types of pliers to work on cars. Therefore, your toolbox should include the following pliers at a minimum: slip-joint, tongue and groove, needle nose, and locking pliers, also known as vice grips.
Traditional and dead-blow hammers
You’ll occasionally need to whack a car part or two into submission. For this task, you should have a traditional hammer and a dead-blow hammer on hand. A dead-blow hammer reduces the amount of damage done when striking a surface.
Impact wrench
There are many different types of impact wrenches available nowadays. Pneumatic and cordless designs are available in various configurations and torque output ratings. However, a ½-inch pneumatic impact wrench and an air compressor are usually the best options for those just getting started.
Oil filter wrench
An oil and filter change is a basic automotive repair task that almost every do-it-yourselfer completes. However, unless you’re extremely strong, you won’t be able to remove the filter with your bare hands; you’ll need an oil filter wrench.
Pick set
You’ll never understand the significance of a pick set until you own one. A small pick can assist in disconnecting an electrical connector, releasing a retaining clip, and much more. So always keep a set of small picks in your toolbox.
Pry bar
When you start working on cars, you’ll quickly realise the value of a good pry bar. You’ll need a medium-length pry bar in your toolbox as a beginner. As your tool collection grows, you can add various lengths.
Chisels and punches
Punches and chisels come in handy for several tasks when working on cars. Keeping different shapes and sizes on hand in the garage is a good idea.
Ratchet and socket sets
The most critical tool in your toolbox is undoubtedly a ratchet and socket set. You should have ratchets in each of the standard drive sizes, various extensions, and a complete set of sockets. A variety of Torx and Allen head sockets is also recommended. Metric fasteners are used in most modern cars. You might want to add standard (SAE) sockets to your collection later.
Screwdriver set
Always keep all the different types of screwdrivers in your toolbox, including flat head, Phillips head, Allen head, and Torx head.
Tyre pressure monitor
Tyre pressure impacts several aspects of vehicle performance, including handling, braking ability, and fuel economy. Use a tyre pressure gauge regularly to keep your car’s tyres properly inflated.
Torque wrench
Torque wrenches are essential tools for people of all skill levels. In many cases, a nut or bolt must be tightened to a specific specification. You can do this with a torque wrench by applying a specific amount of force to the fastener.
Wrench set
Every mechanic requires a metric wrench set and, eventually, standard (SAE) wrenches.
Shop supplies
To fix cars, you’ll also need a lot of shop equipment. You’ll need a jack, jack stands, and a toolbox to hold all your tools. The following are the essential vehicle accessories and parts any aspiring mechanic should have.
Air compressor
Although an air compressor is not required for a beginner, it does make working on cars much easier. For example, you can use your air compressor to adjust tyre pressure, operate a pneumatic impact wrench, etc. A compressor with four to five cubic feet per minute (CFM) capacity at 90 psi is required to run air tools like an impact wrench. Also, choose a compressor with at least a 75-litre tank size to reduce the time you spend waiting for the unit to refill.
Fire extinguishers
When working in the shop, you never know what will happen. So always keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of an emergency.
When poking around under the hood, it’s critical to see what you’re doing. A good flashlight will come in handy whenever you work on a car.
Drain pan for fluids
You’ll need a fluid drain pan every time you change the oil or do any work that involves draining fluids. It’s a good idea to get two drain pans for oil and coolant since the two fluids must be recycled separately. Drain pans that also serve as containers are handy. The design eliminates the need to transfer the fluid into a separate container before taking it to a recycler.
If you attempt to add oil or any other type of fluid to your vehicle without a funnel, you will almost certainly make a huge mess. You should use a funnel to avoid spills every time you top off your car’s fluids.
Jack and jack stands
A jack and a set of jack stands are required for any automotive task that involves going underneath a vehicle or removing its wheels. A good jack and jack stands will usually last for decades, making them an excellent investment.
You can’t just leave your tool collection strewn about the garage; you’ll need a toolbox.
Safety glasses
When working on cars, safety glasses are required. Accidents are unavoidable, and you don’t want to jeopardise your vision.
Wheel chocks
When raising a vehicle and supporting it with jack stands, place chocks behind the wheels that remain on the ground as a precaution.
Access to a repair manual or a repair database
Modern automobiles (and many older automobiles) are far too complex to work on without the correct repair information. Therefore, when repairing a vehicle, always consult a repair manual or an online repair database to avoid wasting time and money and possibly getting hurt.
Diagnostic instrumentation
Diagnostic equipment can assist you in determining what is wrong with your vehicle. A wide range of diagnostic tools is available, but as a beginner, you should start with the following essential items.
Digital multimeter (DMM)
A basic digital multimeter can measure current (amps), voltage (volts), and resistance (ohms). That comes in handy when testing various circuits and electronics.
Mechanic’s stethoscope
A mechanic’s stethoscope is an acoustic device to listen to parts of your car.
Scan tool or code reader
You must have a scan tool or code reader to work on modern vehicles. As a beginner, you should probably start with a code reader, which only reads generic onboard diagnostic (OBD-II) codes. However, you will eventually require a high-end scan tool. OEM scanners give you access to more information like manufacturer-specific codes, data, and bi-directional tests.
A mechanic’s toolkit is never complete
Your vehicle accessories and parts collection as a mechanic will never be complete. There are always new gadgets to add to your arsenal to help you do your job better and faster. While you can begin with the basics on this list, if you’re interested in car repair, you can expect a lifelong addiction to tool collecting. Before you know it, your tools will be worth more than the car you’re repairing.
Why choose AHK Motor Spares?
AHK Motor Spares stocks and supplies an extensive range of vehicle accessories and parts for more than 40 different makes of cars, bakkies, trucks, and SUVs. These products range from nuts and bolts, cleaning materials, gauges, lugs, socket sets, tool kits, safety equipment, etc.
Our vehicle accessories and parts are of the highest quality, ensuring that our clients can find dependable replacement body parts at reasonable prices.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality vehicle accessories and parts to solve our clients’ challenges. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right vehicle accessories and parts when you need them easy. Contact us today for everything you need to facilitate the right to repair.
A right to repair refresher
The right to repair guidelines went into effect on 1 July 2021 & proved significant in how new cars are sold & maintained in South Africa.
What is the right to repair again?
Right to repair promotes fair competition in the automotive repair supply chain. As a result, consumers have the freedom to choose from independent companies that provide them with the combination of service & price that best meets their needs.
Under these regulations, vehicle manufacturers must make all software, tools, & repair information required to service the vehicle available to independent operators timely & cost-effectively. This benefits consumers & ensures long-term broad-based economic growth for repair shops.
The right to repair’s second goal is to level the playing field between manufacturers, vehicle body component suppliers, & workshops, including manufacturer-approved workshops.
The ability to choose
Consumers can freely select the service provider who will service or repair their vehicles. If you service or repair with an independent service provider, your warranty will not be voided, & you will no longer be forced to purchase service or maintenance plans. You have the right to make your own decision. Simply put, you can choose where & who will service your vehicle. You are no longer required to service or repair your car at an authorised dealership. Instead, you have the option of selecting an ISP.
Furthermore, the approved dealer or independent service provider of your choice can install either original or non-original vehicle body components even during the warranty period. Since your options are now much broader, you can truly shop around for an independent service provider that meets your needs. In addition, repairs & services can now be performed by experts outside of the dealer network.
The right to repair regulations have levelled the playing field in the automotive industry. As a result, parts & labour rates will now be far more competitive than in the past.
Important considerations
There are a few questions you should keep in mind relating to the right to repair.
When is it legal for a manufacturer to refuse a warranty?
The warranty may be revoked if a manufacturer determines that a warranty-related failure results from poor-quality vehicle body components, incorrect service procedures, or poor workmanship. The independent service provider &/or the vehicle body components supplier/importer will bear liability in such an instance.
Do independent service providers need to use specific parts when servicing vehicles under warranty?
No, but if a manufacturer determines that a warranty-related failure results from poor-quality vehicle body components, they have the right to refuse the warranty. As a result, independent service providers must obtain vehicle body components from reputable suppliers like AHK Motor Spares and use only recognised, high-quality parts when servicing a vehicle.
What are other significant changes proposed by these new guidelines?
When purchasing a new vehicle, the consumer now has the option of including a service plan or not. You can now buy a new car without a service or maintenance plan or choose a plan from a third-party provider. This means that dealers must now separate the price of the vehicle from that of the service/maintenance plans, making the market more competitive.
Why choose AHK Motor Spares?
AHK Motor Spares stocks and supplies an extensive range of vehicle body components and parts for more than 40 different makes of cars, bakkies, trucks, and SUVs. These products range from base coat paints, beading, and spray fillers to fenders and fender liners, fuel flaps, grills, headlamps, windscreens, window mechanisms, etc.
Our vehicle body components are of the highest quality, ensuring that our clients can find dependable replacement body parts at reasonable prices. We support the right to repair as aftermarket vehicle body components and parts suppliers, allowing our customers to get exceptional value for money.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality vehicle body components to solve our clients’ challenges. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right vehicle body components when you need them easy. Contact us today for everything you need to facilitate the right to repair.
What do Brakes do?
A brake system is made up of several vehicle brake components. Each of these components is vital and integral to the functioning of the brakes, whose proper functioning is vital for your safety.
Brakes are designed so that you may be able to slow down and stop your vehicle comfortably and safely.
The basic functioning of your vehicle’s brake components is that it takes the kinetic energy in the wheels and converts it to heat energy.
What are the Vehicle Brake Components
Brakes can come in two firms, either disc breaks or drum brakes, depending on the model of the vehicle. Here is a list of the important components within a brake system:
ABS Control modules are available on vehicles that have ABS brakes. The module, using speed sensors, evaluates the ABS braking system, and speed, to determine the right amount of pressure that it needs to send to the different tyres for them to brake.
Brake boosters affect the amount of brake pressure applied within the master cylinder.
Brake discs are the mechanisms used to slow the vehicle down, and are normally found on front wheels. The disc spins and creates the friction necessary when the brake pads touch the rotor of the disc.
Drum brakes are typically found on the rear wheels and, as with brake discs, are the mechanism to slow the vehicle down. In this system, the drum will spin, too creating the friction needed to slow down when the wheel cylinder pushes the brake shoes against the drum.
The Master cylinder controls the pressure that is exerted by the brake pads onto the rotors when stopping.
The brake pedal is also one of the vehicle brake components and is pressed to activate the wheels braking system. The master cylinder comes into play when the pedal is pressed. A piston within the master cylinder is activated which then controls the activation of the brake system.
An emergency brake is also part of a vehicle’s braking system. This type of brake is separate from the other braking system and can be used in an emergency to bring your car to a halt as quickly as possible. It is typically used though to keep the vehicle stationary when it has stopped.
Contact our expert sales team today for more information on our range of vehicle brake components.
Maintaining your Electrical Vehicle Components
When things break in your vehicle it can be quite a costly expense and often a time-consuming and frustrating task. Knowing how to look after your car and its electrical system, and to repair and service parts when needed, will help greatly to keep unnecessary costs and frustration at bay.
The electrical system of your vehicle governs a great many functional parts, such as the interior lights, headlights, clock, radio, power windows, locks, defroster, and sunroof, among other things. For each of these to function optimally, your electrical components must be in good health.
What Are the Electrical Vehicle Components?
There are three electrical vehicle components within the electrical system, namely the alternator, starter, and battery.
The battery is the component that provides your vehicle with the energy required to perform all its electrical functions. The alternator is the component that produces the electricity needed to start the car and get the battery working. The starter is the important connection that jumps your car into motion from the electrical charge. Ensuring that these three parts are in good working order will contribute to ensuring years of hassle-free driving and enjoyment of your vehicles.
Keeping your electrical vehicle components clean is very important. Too much dirt can cause damaging vibrations in the system. Checking that all electrical vehicle components are fixed securely in place is also a step worth taking, to ensure that there is a smooth flow of energy to the necessary parts of the vehicle.
Also check for any warning signs, such as cracks or glazing, or dryness. Where problems can be identified at the source, they are better able to be repaired, instead of only when the part has broken and has had other effects on the rest of the vehicle’s functioning. Repair and replace anything that needs fixing.
The way you use your vehicle will also have an impact on the health and longevity of the electrical system of your car. For instance, the load on your starter is less when you start the car with all the electrical vehicle components switched off, such as the air conditioner.
For all your electrical vehicle components needs, contact our expert sales team at AHK Motor Spares today.
Understanding your car’s electrical components
Every vehicle has an electrical system with three critical electrical components: the battery, starter, and alternator. Because these systems operate cyclically, any electrical problem that begins in these electrical components will affect the rest of the system.
For example, the battery provides the power that the starter requires to function, and in turn, the alternator provides the energy the battery needs to run. This means that even if one of these three critical electrical components fails, the vehicle will not start or run correctly.
The battery
The battery in a vehicle is responsible for supplying all necessary electrical currents to the car before it starts. This includes powering the ignition system, fuel systems, and the starter itself. Therefore, a vehicle will not start if its battery is dead or weak.
The alternator
Once the vehicle runs, the alternator is the electrical component that powers the system. When the engine is started, the alternator takes over. It also charges the battery, which keeps the vehicle running.
The starter
The starter is the electrical component in charge of directly starting the engine. The battery provides the necessary power, but it cannot start the engine independently. Instead, it relies on the starter’s specialised function of rotating the flywheel and activating the crankshaft to start the engine’s pistons. This means that even if the battery works correctly, the vehicle cannot be started without a working starter.
How to spot electrical problems in a car
The best way to avoid electrical system failure is to take your car in for regular check-ups at an auto repair shop. Maintaining and monitoring a vehicle regularly is the best way to avoid the failure of its electrical components. In addition, older or high mileage vehicles are especially prone to starting problems, so it is critical to have them frequently checked out.
This way, any potential electrical component issues can be addressed quickly before they become a significant concern, avoiding situations where a driver is stranded and saving money on the cost of repairs and parts in the long run. However, drivers must also be alert for signs that electrical components are not functioning correctly.
Difficulty starting your car
When the starter is turned on, the battery sends a spark to supply the fuel required by the engine to start. However, when a vehicle’s engine isn’t cranking correctly, a driver will often hear a clicking noise instead of the usual sound of the car starting when they turn the key. This usually indicates insufficient current flowing from the alternator, starter, or battery to start the engine.
In most cases, the source is the battery or, in rare cases, the starter. On the other hand, a grinding noise when starting the vehicle is usually caused by a problem with the starter.
Your car is losing power
If the alternator fails, the battery will not receive the power required to stay charged, and the electrical systems will begin to lose power. If the alternator fails, the vehicle will frequently start but will not be able to run for an extended period. As a result, a dead battery could indicate an underlying alternator problem.
Remember that battery problems can also cause the vehicle to lose power or fail to start. Because batteries are only designed to last about five years, they commonly lose power over time. If this is the case, starting the vehicle may be difficult.
Your car’s lights are not working
Every light on the vehicle gets its power from the electrical system, so if the lights aren’t working, it’s usually a sign of a problem with the battery or alternator. Headlights and taillights are essential, but many other lights are critical to the driver’s safety, such as interior lighting and dashboard monitoring systems.
These lights keep drivers and other road users safe, so it’s critical to fix the problem as soon as possible if a driver notices that their lights are dim or aren’t turning on as they should.
Blown fuses
A fuse box is a built-in control system in vehicles that ensures the electrical components do not draw too much current or short circuit, putting people in danger. Fuses are designed to blow in the event of an electrical problem, but they can also blow out on their own. While a blown fuse is usually a minor inconvenience, multiple blown fuses, especially in quick succession, often indicate an underlying problem among the electrical components.
Strange odours
An unusual smell while the vehicle is running, is often one of the first symptoms of an electrical problem. Strange odours can indicate various issues, but a distinct whiff of burning plastic frequently accompanies electrical smells. Therefore, if you notice an unusual odour while driving, you should always pull over and identify the source, particularly if any of the above issues are present.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality car electrical components to solve our clients’ challenges. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right electrical components when you need them quickly. So get in touch with our team today for everything you need.
Understanding brake components
Keeping your car in good working order entails more than just taking it in for routine maintenance and having the brakes checked. To understand everything your mechanic says, you must first understand how your vehicle works. The brakes, in particular, are quite complex. Still, once you’ve become acquainted with the essential car brake components, you’ll find it easier to understand what your mechanic tells you during maintenance or repair appointments.
Pads and rotors
Brake rotors are car brake components attached to each wheel on your vehicle. These are steel discs and hubs on which the brake pads rest and grip the surface. The pads are made of metal with semi-metallic overlays. When you press on the brake pedal, these two car brake components work together to stop your wheels from rotating, causing the pads to stop the rotor.
Brake callipers are essential car brake components of your vehicle’s hydraulic braking system. They are the housings that sit on top of the brake rotors and hold the brake pads. When you apply the brakes, the hydraulic piston in the calliper extends and squeezes the brake pads together against the brake rotor, slowing or stopping the vehicle.
Brake lines and master cylinder
In your car, the master cylinder is in charge of transferring hydraulic pressure from the reservoir to the brake calliper at the wheel. Brake lines are braided steel or rubber hoses that run throughout the vehicle and connect the master cylinder to each individual brake calliper.
Wear indicator
A brake wear indicator is a car brake component that alerts you when your brake pads need to be replaced. Many modern wear indicators include a sensor or metal body that makes contact with the rotor and causes a warning light to illuminate your dashboard. When this light appears, you should replace the brake pads.
Proportioning valve
The proportioning valve is usually found near the brake master cylinder. It aids in the proper distribution of hydraulic pressure to the front and rear brakes, respectively. Because the front of the vehicle is heavier, carrying the engine requires approximately 60% of the available hydraulic pressure, with the remaining 40% applied to the rear.
ABS module
The ABS module, also known as the ABS control module, reads data from your ABS speed sensors. It then uses this information to send the appropriate amount of pressure to each wheel, reducing the risk of sliding and skidding by preventing the brakes from locking up the wheels.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality car brake components to solve our clients’ challenges. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right car brake components when you need them quickly. So get in touch with our team today for everything you need.
Building your car audio system
Building a great car audio system doesn’t have to be an expensive, all-at-once endeavour. You can create the car audio system of your dreams in stages if you have a plan and a budget. As a result, it will be a lot less expensive, and you get to enjoy hearing your system improve with each new step in the process. The best part is that there is no right approach, so you can follow the steps in any order that works for you.
Change the factory radio
A new receiver will improve the sound of any car audio system. You’ll get more power, meaning the speakers will sound better at any volume. In addition, you can listen to music from several sources depending on the receiver you choose.
Purchase new speakers
Simply by providing more power to your factory speakers, the new receiver will improve their sound. If you’re satisfied with the factory radio, skip ahead to the speakers. If you’re serious about sound, you’ll need aftermarket speakers. If you have a 4-door vehicle, start at the front, where you sit and work your way back as your budget allows.
Increase the power of your car audio system
After you’ve replaced the speakers in your car audio system, you’ll need to add an amplifier to boost their power. The increased power will allow the speakers to perform to their full potential, bringing out the details and clarity in your music. To power your front and rear speakers, you’ll need a four-channel amplifier. If you plan to add a subwoofer, you can power it with the rear channels of the amp until you’re ready to add a separate subwoofer amp.
Turn up the bass
Installing a subwoofer as part of your car audio system is the moment that many people look forward to the most. Even if you don’t care about bass, you’ll appreciate the depth a good sub adds to your music.
A dedicated amp for the sub
If you want your sub to have more thump, you’ll need to give it more juice. A dedicated mono amp will give your sub the necessary power to achieve the desired big bass sound.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
The benefit of building your own car audio system is that you can do it your way and on your time.
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality car audio system parts to solve our clients’ challenges. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right car audio system parts when you need them quickly. So get in touch with our team today for everything you need.
Commonly replaced car parts and when to replace them
Replacing car parts that fail due to normal wear and tear or a lack of proper maintenance is part of routine vehicle maintenance. Discover which are the most frequently replaced vehicle parts.
When your vehicle’s battery begins to deteriorate, performance suffers, and the risk of failure rises. If this happens while you are away from home, your car will most likely require a jump start. The most common causes of battery failure are acid stratification and low charge. However, poor driving habits such as leaving the lights and air conditioner on when the car isn’t started and taking too short trips to allow the battery to charge fully can also cause issues. A good rule of thumb is to replace the battery every four to five years and to inspect it for dirty terminals, damaged cables, and physical defects regularly.
External lights
Brake lights, turn signals, taillights, and other small external lights are more likely to fail than headlights. Because you can’t see when this happens while inside the car, you should check the lights frequently. Ask a friend to help you test each of these car parts.
Brake rotors
Rotors keep your vehicle’s braking system from overheating while in use. However, friction from the brake pads and callipers causes the rotors to lose efficiency over time. If they are too worn down, you risk a potentially dangerous brake failure. When braking, pay attention to squealing and grinding noises and any “pulsing” sensations. Any of these could indicate damage, necessitating an immediate inspection of each of these car parts.
Headlight components
Working headlights are critical for night-time safety and in inclement weather. If your lights aren’t bright enough, the resulting low visibility puts you at risk of an accident.
Spark plugs
Problems with starting your vehicle, slow acceleration, rough idling, and misfiring or surging of the engine may indicate that it’s time for new spark plugs.
If you continue to have problems with your windshield wipers, flashers, heater, and other vehicle instruments, you may have a blown fuse.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
To ensure your car’s safe and dependable operation, it’s critical to inspect these car parts regularly, looking for signs of wear that may indicate a replacement is needed. Diligent maintenance keeps your vehicle running smoothly and gives you the best driving experience possible.
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality replacement car parts to solve our clients’ challenges. We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right car parts when you need them easily. So get in touch with our team today for everything you need.
Common signs of suspension problems
Suspension problems might be difficult to notice. The symptoms are frequently evident, but diagnosing the fundamental cause is a different story. Faulty or broken shocks, struts, springs, tie rods, and ball joints may wreak havoc on your car and make it unsafe to drive.
You can resolve any suspension problems that arise by paying close attention to how your car acts and what you hear.
These are some of the most common signs of suspension difficulties in your vehicle.
While driving, you may find your car leaning to one side
The most typical indication of suspension problems is the car pulling to the left or right. However, it may also be one of the most difficult problems to discover without the help of a professional. The cause might be one of various things, such as uneven tyre pressure or tire deterioration. The easiest method to avoid these problems is to have your car’s tyres correctly aligned for toe-in, caster, and camber. Furthermore, incorrect alignment might lead to decreased fuel economy. Sticking brake callipers, a defective tie rod, or a malfunctioning steering rack are all typical culprits.
Because potholes are common in South Africa, driving through one may damage the alignment, especially at high speeds. In addition, if you have suspension problems after such an occurrence, it’s possible that something was destroyed.
Experiencing every hiccup along the way
A rough ride indicates that your shocks or struts are worn and should be changed. Likewise, when every bump on the road causes your car to bounce, you have suspension problems that should be addressed right away.
Do the bounce test. Place your weight on the front end of your car when it is parked, let go, and see how it reacts. If it bounces three times or more, the shocks and/or struts are worn and should be replaced.
As the name indicates, shock absorbers are the primary reason for your vehicle feeling “bumpier” than previously. They’re designed to keep your tires on the road. If they don’t, the car will bounce about uncontrollably. Shocks are filled with fluid that dampens the bouncing. When they leak, the absorbers’ performance deteriorates until they fail.
If your car is on level ground, but one corner is lower than the others, you most likely have a broken spring. Furthermore, when travelling over bumps, you may hear a clunking noise, and cornering may be restricted if a broken spring cannot sustain the weight.
Pushing down on the car’s trunk, releasing, and listening to how the suspension reacts is the most straightforward technique to identify spring issues. For example, if you hear a cracking or squealing sound, you almost certainly have a suspension problem with the shocks, springs, bushings, or other suspension components.
Your car nose dives, leans back, or rolls
Shocks or struts may need to be replaced if:
- Your car’s “nose dives” or leans forward when you brake.
- Your car “rolls” to the side or tilts side-to-side when you turn a corner.
- Your vehicle “squats” or leans backwards when you accelerate.
Difficult steering
If steering is problematic, especially while going slowly, you may have a suspension problem. When you turn the wheel or keep it in an angled position, it may feel as though the steering is “slipping.” However, these faults might be caused by a variety of components in your power steering system. Low power steering fluid, a leaking power steering rack, a worn or loose power steering belt, a worn control arm bushing, or a defective power steering pump are all examples.
Contact AHK Motor Spares for details
AHK Motor Spares offers the highest quality replacement car parts to solve our clients’ challenges, including suspension problems, at affordable prices. We do this based on years of experience and insights into our industry by understanding the challenges faced by our clients and working to provide products and services that meet and solve these challenges seamlessly.
We have a network of branches across Gauteng and the Western Cape, which makes finding the right products you need when dealing with suspension problems, when you need them, easily. So get in touch with our team today for everything you need.